5 November 2024 Election Results from the Monterey County Elections Department (Click here)
Updates will continue as the ballots are counted. They have up to 30 days to finalize the number then certified the results with the CA Secretary of State’s office. Mailed ballots that are postmarked on or before 11/5 and received at the MCED by Friday 11/9 will be tabulated. Note that the figures for national and statewide candidates or statewide measures are solely the votes cast in this county; they do not take into account all areas voting nor do they reflect the overall results n those races.
LAWN SIGNS and WIRE FRAMES: Please return to the Center for Change (1238 Fremont Blvd, Seaside 93955 – leave against the building in the back alley). We will reuse or repurpose them. Thank you.
Support Your Local All-Volunteer Democratic Party
Take Action____________________________________
Stay updated on local activities and events hosted by the Monterey County Democrats and other allied groups. CLICK HERE
Use the CONTACT US (click here) page. Phone numbers are helpful with your comments, yet not required. Thank you.
Visit our Headquarters
Artwork by Denese Sanders and Micheen Levee
The All-Volunteer Center for Change operates year-round in Seaside. During election season, we typically open a second location in Salinas and a campaign materials pick-up spot in the Gonzales/Soledad area.
Volunteer opportunities between elections are available (feedback on the recent campaign season, data entry, compiling and updating reference materials, creating content for the website and social media, helping subcommittee chairs, joining a working group, planning events, organizing the office, welcoming visitors, and more.) Call 831-333-0101 for recorded information. Email the chair or other officers, if preferred.
Center for Change – Headquarters for the Monterey County Democratic Party – Located at 1238 Fremont Blvd. , Seaside CA 93955 – Open by arrangement for events year-round. Call or text 831-272-2127.
Hours of operation are posted here during Election Season
Join us!
We are the party of unity and equity. Make your own Democratic space. Participate in one of five existing local clubs or create one focusing on a specific value, certain issues, or your geographic area!
Explore our site to learn more about the many ways you can make a difference in the party of the people. Stop by one of our meetings, attend an event, volunteer your skills and time, make a donation of any size, or just share information on social media.
Take a stand. Our community, the Golden State, and our country need you.
Monthly business meetings are generally on 4th Tuesdays at 6:30pm and usually alternate between our Salinas and Seaside locations. They are preceded by an optional social time 6-6:30pm. NOTE: No meeting in December. Until further notice, we are holding our monthly meetings online. To participate, please contact: MCDCC.Info@gmail.com. The auto-response will provide a Zoom registration link. Thank you.
Newly elected to the Monterey County Democratic Central Committee? Information here
Monthly Music Series at the Center for Change <<< Click for more about Vocalist Luke Martin 5-7pm November 17th
Jan Knippers Black Bread & Roses Music Series – Founded June of 2023.
WE GREATLY APPRECIATE OUR SPONSORS! THANK YOU: Alan Haffa, Monterey City Councilman; Dave Pacheco, Seaside City Councilman; Gary Karnes; Paula Pelot; Arlene Haffa; George Riley; Laurie Eavey; Bob Krauth; Mibs McCarthy; Gail Morton; Edward Lo; Susan Ragsdale-Cronin; Kim Snyder; Kate Spencer; Lynn Hamilton; Patti Fashing; Stephen V Eklund; Jo Ann Novoson & Carl Christensen; Karen Araujo, Christine Ponzio, and Victor Manuel Tafoya.
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Contagious COVID-19 variants are still out there, so protect your plans – and each other – with the tips offered by the CA Department of Public Health.